Tracy Jade Photography

Best Ways to Enjoy Hudson Valley and the Catskills

Area Recommendations

This map includes our favorite local restaurants, activities and other essentials! Clicking on the sidebar icon on the top left hand corner of the map reveals a categorized list of suggestions. Or, open directly in Google Maps.

Deliveries (yellow pins on map): For all deliveries, please provide your phone number and meet your delivery person at the Pavilion (ask them to follow signs for "shuttles"). Please note deliveries cannot be delivered directly to your cabin.

Hiking Upstate

There are incredible hikes in this region of the Hudson Valley and Catskills — see below links for additional info.

Beware of ticks when walking in grassy or heavily wooded areas! Before going on a hike, be sure to review the CDC Guide for Avoiding Ticks. If find that you’ve been bitten, see the CDC Guide on Tick Bites: What To Do.


Hudson Valley Magazine

Great Northern Catskills

Step Outside

Outdoor Project

Scenic Hudson

Ferns on the forest floor_Elaina Mortali